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Multiple Account Navigation

In this article we will go over how to handle multiple accounts and add new accounts.

Who is this article for?

Goodreviews supports multiple accounts. This is for customers who have multiple accounts with Goodreviews.

Master login

The email and password you first set up with Goodreviews is your master login. All other accounts can be found under your original login credentials.

Multi-client dashboard

image.pngThis is your multi-client dashboard. From here you can navigate and manage every one of your accounts.

The "Open" highlighted in green means this account is fully operational. To open this account all you have to do is click "Open".

If the account is displaying "Requires Setup" this means that you have not yet completed the necessary onboarding steps for that account.

By clicking "Requires Setup" you will be taken through to finalize the setup for an account.

On this multi-client page, you can also add a new account at any time by clicking the "Add new account" button.

You can see the account you are logged in to in the bottom left at all times.


If you would like to navigate between your accounts simply select "Back to accounts"

You will be presented with the multi-account dashboard. The multiple account dashboard is what you will see every time you log in.
